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Ren Research Group
Welcome to Advanced Laser Diagnostics Laboratory at The Chinese University of Hong Kong! Our group studies the cross-disciplinary sciences and technologies in the areas of:
Laser spectroscopy
Optical gas sensing
Sensors and actuators
Combustion and propulsion
Energy and fuels
Our goal is to develop novel spectroscopic techniques for trace gas sensing, to innovate laser diagnostics for environmental, biomedical and combustion research, and to understand the fundamental processes in conventional and renewable energy-conversion devices. The Ren group innovates laser spectroscopy techniques with a multiscale and multidimensional span from absorption to dispersion, photoacoustics to photothermal, free-space to waveguide, UV to mid-infrared, and monochromatic to frequency-comb. The Ren group conducts both experimental and theoretical research on reaction kinetics and fuel chemistry aiming at future high-efficiency and low-emission engines and gas turbines. The Ren group is also contributing to the next-generation sensing systems required for robotics, artificial intelligence, and smart city.
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