Principal Investigator
Wei Ren, Ph.D.
Professor, Mechanical and Automation Engineering
Co-Editor, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics
Email: renwei(at)mae.cuhk.edu.hk
Biography: Dr. Wei Ren received his B.S. and M.S. degrees both from Tsinghua University. He received Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University under the advisory of Prof. Ronald K. Hanson in 2013. After the postdoc work with Prof. Frank K. Tittel at Rice University, he joined the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering at CUHK in 2014. His current research focuses on the development of new technologies and the understanding of basic principles in the areas of energy and environment, laser diagnostics and trace gas sensing.

Curriculum Vitae
2024 - now Professor, Mechanical and Automation Engineering, CUHK
2020 - 2024 Associate Professor, Mechanical and Automation Engineering, CUHK
2014 - 2020 Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Automation Engineering, CUHK
2013 - 2014 Postdoc Researcher, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rice University
2008 - 2013 Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
2006 - 2008 M.S., Precision Instrument Department, Tsinghua University
2002 - 2006 B.S., Precision Instrument Department, Tsinghua University
Professional Activities
Co-Editor, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics
Senior Editor, PhotoniX
Editorial Board, The Innovation Energy
Senior Member, Optica
Member, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Member, The Combustion Institute (CI)
Honors & Awards
NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund, China (2021)
Dean's Exemplary Teaching Award, CUHK (2016)
Robert A. Welch Foundation Postdoc Fellowship, Rice University (2013)
Chinese Government Scholarship for Outstanding Self-financed Students Studying Abroad (2012)
Combustion Institute for Energy Division Graduate Travel Award (2012)
Stanford Graduate Fellowship, Stanford University (2011)
The Larry C.K. Yung Fellowship, Stanford University (2008)
The First-Prize Graduate Scholarship, Tsinghua University (2007)
Graduation with Honor, Tsinghua University (2006)